Sunday 23 August 2015


Sasha's now out in the garden still looking...

" What are you doing? " asks Mrs mum
"Looking!" replies Sasha irritated

"Looking for what? "
"My brown socks that Auntie Gill made to match my hat!" Sasha continues looking around the path
"The one's YOU put away for safe keeping and cannot find!"
Mrs Mum is speechless...well only for a minute! " That's true but why are you only in your vest and pants? "

Sasha rolls her eyes " Because Them people was saying it's too hot to wear a knitted hat in August, so I took off my dress so I would not be too hot!"
Mrs mum decides she cannot fight that logic !Well go and put the rest of the outfit on please !"
Sasha stomps off muttering about adults and their fussing!

It's not long before she's back

"Oh you look so sweet ! " exclaims Mrs Mum " you make a lovely brownie !"

"I'd look better if I had my BROWN socks!" cries Sasha throwing her hands up in despair !

Now it's Mrs Mum's turn to go off grumbling about children and their demands when you are trying to sort the whole house out and they expect you to remember where you have put everything!

"Mm " smiles Sasha " maybe she'll remember where she's put them...... "


I would like to Thank The lovely Ginny of A Passion for Sasha for donating the lovely Brownie dress and tie. Gill of Knitty Nora's for the Hat and the socks..yes they do exist!
I have added the little brown leather belt and the silver brownie badge.

Sasha is slowly getting a very lovely wardrobe to take with her to her new home! Now I need to go find some brown socks that appear to have been mislaid!...



  1. What a lovely donated outfit this is. My Sasha girls love their Brownie outfit which is a relica of the one that my daughter wore apart from that she had a beret instead of the more modern bobble hat.
    Rest assured that I haven't forgotten that I promised a donation.

    1. I love seeing the Sasha's dressed in these uniforms, I know that the brownie uniforms have been up dated but to m this is the uniform!
      Plenty of time Kendal, still a few months to go!! :)

  2. That is a gorgeous Brownie outfit and Sasha looks lovely in it. I hope those brown socks turn up soon, poor girl!!!

    1. Thanks Sharon :) I hope those socks appear too! Mind you her white shoes won't match then!! :)xx

  3. Wow what a lovely traditional Brownie outfit to add to the raffle.

    1. It is great and a lovely donation from Ginny of A Passion for Sasha with extras by Gill and me :)

  4. Love this blog entry!!! Not only are the donations just delightful (and so generous) Dee's prose creases me up every time. Such fun!
