Friday 16 October 2015


I have received some other donations for the second raffle with the baby first prize. Some people are bringing them to the Chat n Snap but these were sent by a Lel Shaw who is unable to attend and very generously donated these items.

A lovely quilt and pillow set.

and a selection of tights, for Sasha, Toddler and Baby.

Many thanks top Lel for sending us these lovely items to help us raise a good sum for Charity.



  1. More super donations, even from people who unfortunately can't attend, to help raise money for your chosen charity.
    Aren't the Sasha collectors always so extra kind and generous at these events to help others who are less fortunate in life.

  2. These are lovely Dee - had missed the fact that there was a baby raffle too, or we'd have donated for that one too Sorry. J xx
