Monday, 25 May 2015


Thought I would try to catch up by added in April's donation to the Sasha Wardrobe Raffle.

This gift was donated by Michelle and consists of A Batik dress set, of dress ,pants plus a lovely softy lilac summer mid sleeved cardie plus shoes, socks and hair ties.

Looks lovely and perfect with her cardie for those cooler mornings before the sun gets truly going.



Sasha's looking very serious.

"Hello " says Millie coming across Sasha " Are you one of my new sisters? "
" Hi " replies Sasha " sorry no I'm Sasha and I am waiting for my new mum, she's not collecting me until October at the Chat n Snap "

"Oh ! Well I'm Millie and what's a Chat n snap? "
"Well according to the children in the village it's a place where lots of women meet up bring lots of their little Children like us and chatter so loud you can hardly hear yourself think!"
"Really!" Millie looks a little stunned
" Really and they buy things for their Sasha children and sometimes even adopt more children while they are there! " says Sasha getting into the excitement " And! That's where I'll be getting my new MUM! "

" Sounds er a little frightening " Millie looks worried
" It will be great " Sasha smiles " They are all lovely people , the others say and they love cooing over all the children that attend "
" I am sure it will be fun " says Millie , glad she's not up for adoption any more .
" Come on " says Sasha " Let's go check out all the things in my wardrobe, then we can go play "
They hurry off in search where Mrs Mum's put the Sasha's wardrobe of clothes.


I would like to thank Michelle for her lovely donation to the Sasha Wardrobe raffle, it's looking like she'll be one very well dressed young lady.



  1. An absolutely superb donation by Michelle. A perfectly coloured outfit for to suit her blonde hair and blue eyes.
    Haven't forgotten that I still need to settle down and send in something for her wardrobe.

  2. Lovely donation Michelle, and thanks for sharing it with us Dee :)

  3. Wow! this is a gorgeous outfit!!! Love the colours and I love Michelle's Batik dresses. That cardi is so sweet! I have a blonde girl to dress. So hopefully... fingers crossed...
